curating an online presence
There are many sources available to learn more about your online profile and best practice. Given the frequent changes in social media and electronic portals the information about how to best negotiate these changes frequently.
Review the learning resources provided for this module.
Complete the module assessment in two steps
A. Evaluating your own electronic presence
Google yourself and answer the following questions (you don’t need to disclose information that you would rather not disclose – but keep any of that information in mind for your own professional image)
1. What did you find online about yourself?
2. Did you know that information was on the Internet, or were your surprised? Where might the information have come from?
3. Is there information about you that you feel is positive?
4. Is there any information or photos you wish were not there?
B. Plan for creating and maintaining e-professionalism
Locate a professional organization resource (for yourself or one that interests you). This step demonstrates your ability to locate and evaluate a credible professional resource.
1. Cite the resource (APA or AMA citation)
2. Create a plan for curating a professional electronic presence. This plan should be prepared as though you are providing a tip sheet or professional development seminar to fellow students or work-place colleagues and should be readable and interesting.
Your plan must include:
• steps for evaluating and minimizing detrimental or non-positive information,
• adding information that can be beneficial in a professional job search or career advancement
• steps for including at least two social media sites and their purpose
• recommendations for curating and maintaining a professional electronic presence
Your instructor should be able to follow the steps outlined in your plan.