Memo 1

please read and do the memo about I understand the announcement

Welcome to CGS2511 Spreadsheet Applications for Business Posted on: Thursday, December 19, 2019 7:06:00 PM EST Welcome Anyelis Diaz Gort, to CGS2511 Spreadsheets for Business Course Open and Download the Syllabus that is in the Syllabus Tab. Open and Download the CGS2511 – Initial Information document that is in the Course Document These two documents must be read and understood in order to have a satisfactory performance in the class. In the assignment for Week # 1 you should: 1- Complete the First Academic Assignment that is a group of questions about the course. 2- Complete the “Get Started Memo” and Send me a message in comments telling me that you have read, understand and will comply with the guidance and requirements outlined in the Welcoming Announcement. I cannot start to grade your work until I have received your memo. These two tasks will take almost 10 minutes, and will help you in the future of the class. This is not an easy course– it requires good time management and discipline. You should plan on 9 -12 hours per week to complete the required assignments. On the positive side, Excel is ubiquitous in the business world so the skills and knowledge you earn in this class will help you in your academic, professional and professional life for many years to come. Be proactive and be up to date with the assignments of the class and I am sure you will have a good grade in this class. Good Luck. Enrique Hirigoyen Instructor Posted by: Enrique Hirigoyen Posted to: Spreadsheet Applications for Business-DL-A Enrique Hirigoyen We are in the Week 2! Posted on: Saturday, January 11, 2020 8:00:00 AM EST Week # 2 This week we will see Chapter 1 “Applying Fundamental Excel Skills and Tools in Problem Solving” We will cover Levels 2 and 3. Level 2: Work with multiple worksheets Calculate total, average, minimum, and maximum values with functions Understand how functions work: syntax, arguments, and algorithms Use the AutoSum feature to perform calculations quickly Calculate the number of values using both COUNT and COUNTA Level 3: Organize a workbook Understand relative, absolute, and mixed cell referencing Write formulas with different types of cell references Copy formulas with different types of cell references Name a cell or cell Please, complete the assignments as requested in the rules of the course You have in the Assignment all the information related to the initial Data Files that you must use to do all the assignments. Do not waste your time send me exercises with other dates, because will not be accepted. For this week assignments the exercises should have the following dates or most current date: Ex 1-3, 1-4 and 1-6 the Content Created should be 1/6/2020, that it is the date of the Start Files that you have in the assignment. Ex 1-5 is a new file that you need to create, so it should be this week’s date or later. Students should have the book of the course. Note that without a book, it will be difficult to keep up with assignments. I am willing to answer any question related to the material of Chapter # 1. Focus in absolute and relative reference, use of formulas and link information from one tab to another. If you have any question about the distribution of the course or any topic, please send me an email with your answer Be proactive and be up to date with the assignments of the class and I am sure you will have a good grade in the class. Good Luck. Enrique Hirigoyen Instructor Posted by: Enrique Hirigoyen Posted to: Spreadsheet Applications for Business-DL-A Enrique Hirigoyen Student Code of Ethics Posted on: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 8:42:16 PM EDT Cheating or plagiarism is dishonest, undermines the necessary trust upon which relations between students and faculty are based, and is unacceptable conduct. Students who engage in cheating or plagiarism will be subject to academic sanctions, including a lowered or failing grade in a course; and the possibility of an additional administrative sanction, including probation, suspension, or expulsion. Cheating is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work by using dishonest means. Cheating at FNU includes but is not limited to:· Copying, in part or whole from another’s examination, paper, mathematical analysis, research or creative project, or the like; Submitting as one’s own work an examination, paper, mathematical analysis, research or creative project, or the like which has been purchased, borrowed, or stolen; or fabricating data;· Consulting notes, sources, or materials not specifically authorized by the instructor during an examination; Employing a surrogate to take an examination, write a paper, do mathematical analysis, or complete, in part or wholly, an evaluation instrument;· Aiding or abetting any act that a reasonable person would conclude, when informed of the evidence, to be a dishonest means of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work; and, Committing any act that a reasonable person would conclude, when informed of the evidence, to be a dishonest means of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work. Plagiarism is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work by representing the work of another as one’s own without the necessary and appropriate acknowledgment. More specifically, plagiarism is: The act of incorporating the ideas, words of sentences, paragraphs, or parts thereof without appropriate acknowledgment and representing the product as one’s own work; and The act of representing another’s intellectual work such as musical composition, computer program, photographs, painting, drawing, sculpture, or research or the like as one’s own. If a student is in doubt about the nature of plagiarism, he/she should discuss the matter with the course instructor. Posted by: Enrique Hirigoyen Posted to: Spreadsheet Applications for Business-DL-A Enrique Hirigoyen COLLABORATION GUIDELINES Posted on: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 8:45:52 PM EDT This file presents the guidelines for successful collaboration during this course. They will assist you and your peers in truly grasping the course material, whilst still being able to help each other out. Here we go: 1. It is OK to discuss the general approach to solving a problem. 2. It is OK to work with others to come up with the general steps for a solution 3. It is OK to give/receive hints when you or someone else is stuck. 4. It is not OK to receive the details of a solution, these you should work out yourself. 5. It is not OK to simply copy someone else’s solution / let your solution be copied. 6. It is not OK to plug your numbers in someone else’s formula to get an answer. 7. It is not not OK to consult a step-­‐by-­‐ step solution to a problem, when the deadline has not passed yet. 8. It is not OK to share/receive the answers to an assignment before its deadline. 9. IT is OK to let someone help you one step further in a solution, provided that you have given it a wholehearted attempt and are stuck for some time. And most important! 10. After you have collaborated with others to find a solution, you should be able to solve a similar problem by yourself the next time!

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