What is a SWOT Analysis, be specific; give me the definition from the textbook and cite it!
How is SWOT Analysis used in business and why?
Give me a specific example of how a business could use SWOT Analysis to improve their business.
Could it be beneficial for an individual to do a SWOT Analysis on themselves?
Perform a SWOT Analysis on yourself, be specific. What did you learn from your personal SWOT?
Summary: The student will work create an original 3-panel (double-sided) brochure based on a community health organization that operates in El Paso, Texas or in the community in which they currently reside. The student will research this organization in order to develop this brochure elucidating the major components of the community organization as defined below:
The student’s brochure should include the following:
A general description of the agency/organization (health problems addressed, priority population, etc.).
Mission statement of the organization
Goals of the organization
Programs and services offered to the El Paso community
Other interesting and pertinent information relevant to the mission of the organization
Based on the information collected, the student will develop a 3-panel (double-sided) brochure using Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, or other relevant program.
Cautionary notes:
Do not merely revise an existing brochure. This should be your original work based on your research of this organization.
The brochure should be readable (use an appropriate size and readable font).
Readers respond to phrases and bullets. Avoid developing a series of paragraphs. This tends to be too “text rich” (wordy).
Organize your brochure in a logical format.
Use pictures and graphics to enhance the asthetics of your brochure and to highlight important points.
Be creative!!
The following websites (among others) provide helpful information/tips for creating a good brochure. Please use these tips to assist you in the development of your brochure in accordance with the specifications of the assignment:
Identify similarities and differences between action research and traditional research. Explain why businesses might choose to implement an action research approach rather than a traditional research approach to solving problems. Support your ideas with a relevant business example. In response to peers, discuss if you agree with the type of research used to address the relevant business example.
You are to read this week’s assigned materials Chapter 7, Chapter 9, and Chapter 15 (ATTACHED) which you think could be helpful to you in your role as a teacher. Each chapter must be 2 full double spaced, 12-pt. Times New Roman pages, explain why you chose this theme or concept, and elaborate on how you might utilize the theme or concept in your teaching. Identifying these “big ideas,” in addition to encouraging critical thinking and reading, will also help you engage in self-reflection prior to and during the formation of your Philosophy of Christian Education. To have effective “big ideas” you must read thorough through your chapter and be a good note taker.
7 Learning to Be a Christian
Can you learn to be a Christian? This is a crucial question for Christian educators. How we answer this question determines what we think we’re supposed to do (and not do) as teachers, mentors, disciple makers, small group leaders, and so on. This isn’t a trick question or a loaded question. Depending on how you define terms, interpret intentions, and emphasize words, the question could be read differently. Can you as a teacher, alone, apart from the Holy Spirit, teach someone to become a Christian? Is learning just knowledge, or is there more to it? Is it a change of mind, alone, or does it involve more? Likewise, is it learning to be a Christian, or to become a Christian? This chapter will introduce the idea of learning in the church, explaining how not all learning is alike and how learning requires different educational and pastoral approaches.
Learning through Concept Development
Second Timothy 3 mentions that Scripture can “make you wise” (v. 15) by providing information that can inform and form our thinking, moving us from being informed to thinking wisely. This is what educators call cognitive learning. We often use the metaphor of the head —that is, head knowledge. Scripture provides insight into this kind of learning. The preface to Proverbs explains that the purpose of learning is far beyond simply providing information but should result in concept development, building, connecting, and increasing in complexity as we study. Proverbs 1:1–7 reads: