Poster presentations at conferences are effective methods of communicating research findings. The discussion of the research being presented is a key element in poster conferences. During professional conferences, poster presenters speak with other psychology professionals providing insights into the information offered within the poster as well as explaining key elements of the research findings. See the PSY699 Poster submission guidelines (Links to an external site.) for templates and guidelines to aid in the creation of your poster.
For this week’s discussion, you will be submitting a link to your Folio account where your colleagues will find your poster
presentation along with a brief detailed explanation of the materials included in it. Poster presentations are typically
informal affairs with limited time for presenters to provide extra information. In keeping with this, your explanations of
the materials will be limited to specific parameters. To explain the research presented in your poster, you will be creating a
3- to 5-minute screencast video. You may use any screencast software to create this video. (For further assistance with
specific free-use screencast software please see the Quick-Start Guide for Screencast-O-Matic (Links to an external site.))
Within the screencast video, you will create a voice over that will point out unusual, unique, and important aspects of the
research presented in the poster. Be certain to visually indicate the specific sections or headers where the elements are
located to guide your viewers through the materials. The link to the screencast will be attached to the poster page within
your Folio project so that your colleagues may interact with your insights into the materials.
Include the link to your Folio project with your completed poster and screencast link in your initial post prior to Day 3.
Note to Students: This assignment requires that you produce a visual presentation, supply a spoken audio narrative, and
to listen the audio narrative of others. Note you are also asked to provide a transcript of your presentation. If you have a
documented disability accommodation that might interfere with your ability to complete this assignment you may contact
your instructor to develop a comparable alternative assignment. If you have other issues that you feel may be a barrier to
your ability to complete this course or this assignment please contact the Office of Access and Wellness
Topic : Analyze the Differences between Official and Unofficial Social media accounts of the Manchester United football
Research Question
The purpose of this research proposal is to help in answering the question, what is the impact of the Manchester United
fans on Social media and their influence on the club? This particular research proposal is also meant to address the
various impacts that both official and unofficial social media platforms have had on the management of Manchester
United football club. For instance, this proposal is meant to address the question of whether the team has efficiently used
the social media platforms to address social injustices such as racism which have gained prevalence in Europe over the
years. This particular proposal will also address the question of how the Manchester United football club fans have
efficiently used the social media platforms to oppose the formation of a super league.
Critical Review
On twitter, Manchester united football club enjoys a robust following of twenty-five million. A larger percentage of these
followers are their fans who follow them to gather any relevant news about their favorite players and their favorite coaches.
The various unofficial social media accounts such as Instagram have played a critical role in enhancing the interactions
between the various sport marketers and their fans (Parganas & Anagnostopoulos 2018). The sport marketers have also
used these particular platforms to promote the brand image of their various teams. For instance, in a study conducted by
the authors on some of the most successful football clubs in Europe, they sampled close to 1115 Facebook posts of these
teams together with close to 16, 308 tweets. Their main aim was to address the question of to what extent has the social
media platforms helped these particular teams to promote and make necessary advancements to their brand.
The authors captured the various posts and tweets of these teams when they were in both the off season and in season
sessions of their clubs. They also took into consideration the various levels of fan engagement between these teams and
their loyal supporters. They realized that the football teams tend to use these social media platforms mostly during in
season. This is because the fans of these teams tend to follow so much happenings in the football world during this
particular times. Teams such as Manchester United have heavily invested on the management of their social media
platforms with the aim of achieving the necessary fan satisfaction. Manchester united has also invested heavily in the
proper management of these social media platforms since it is normally used for promoting product related content which
has been proved to attract more social media engagement. They also realized that whenever the team wanted to reach a
wider fan base, they preferred using the unofficial social media platforms because of the wider following that they have.
This particular assertion by Parganas and Anagnostopoulos will is important to this particular proposal since it will help
in answering the research question on how the social media accounts of these teams have impacted on its brand. Their
assertions will also help me in getting the required skills of collecting data that they had used in accessing the relevant