The Advertising Experience

#1 – Why is planning so important for the success of brand messages? How did planning help Mountain Dew to evolve not only its ads and other promotional activities , but its core identity ?  Answer the  questions thoroughly, 1 typed page minimum combined.

#4 ( Mountain Dew)–  Mountain Dew has opened an association with extreme sports and youth since the early 1990s and this strategy continues to be successful for the brand.What cultural or societal trends must the brand monitor in order to know how how to communicate with its audience ?Does its image also growth  possibilities?If so, in what ways ?How might it circumvent these limits ? Answer the multiple questions thoroughly, 1-2 typed pages minimum required.

LAB #4 Deliverables

Provide Screen Shots and a narrative of the following:

Demonstrate two VMs (both can be Ubuntu)

Demonstrate the usage of ufw to control ssh and http permissions from one VM to the LAMP VM

Alter UFW to limit each (show the failed attempt)

Re-enable HTTP connectivity (show the successful attempt)

Understand the usage of ufw

Use Discussion Board and/or do research to successfully complete this lab.

LAB #4 Hands On: Firewalls

UFW – “Uncomplicated Fire Wall”

Already installed as part of Ubuntu, but “off” by default

Easily added to any other Linux flavor

From the Ubuntu instance containing your LAMP stack, let’s install an SSH host, configure UFW, and test using a secondary Ubuntu (or Kali)

For this lab, you will want to make sure you have two VMs running using NAT NETWORK so they can see one another, and can see the Internet, and have different IP addresses.

Start by obtaining your IP addresses using ifconfig or ip command, and using PING to test connectivity between both. (CTRL-C to end)

Linux & UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall)

Check to ensure it is installed and status: sudo ufw status

Let’s review the configuration file: /etc/default/ufw

Now let’s set up and test:

Install open ssh server on your Ubuntu machine: sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Configure UFW to allow traffic on port 22: sudo ufw allow ssh

if you need to reset: sudo ufw reset (you will lose all rule changes)

Deny all:

sudo ufw default deny incoming

sudo ufw enable

Linux and UFW

From a secondary instance of Ubuntu (or Kali), type ssh <username>@ (whatever your Ubuntu LAMP IP address is)

Respond to challenge with <pwd> and “yes”

Now you’re in.

(Optional) If you wanted to hack the file we created last time:

sudo nano /var/www/test/hw.html

To test, from attack machine, point browser to (using your target IP address of course)

[For the deliverable you only need to show that you can SSH in after configuring the firewall to allow. The file commands listed here are for instruction and are not required for lab.]

Linux and UFW

Let’s turn off the HTTP access from secondary machine

First, test that connecting to your LAMP stack gets you your app

Then, from LAMP machine, sudo ufw deny http

Check status: sudo ufw status verbose

Check connectivity from secondary machine browser

Restore HTTP: sudo ufw allow http

Check connectivity from secondary machine browser


What did we learn? You should be comfortable finding IP addresses, configuring UFW on and off as it relates to HTTP and SSH, and demonstrating that testing.

Could you answer these questions as a short answer on the final exam?

What risk did we take on by opening port 22?

What would a hacker need to get in?

Could a brute force attack successfully break in?

Additional Info:

Project Description:

The Prestige Hotel chain caters to upscale business travelers and provides state-of-the-art conference, meeting, and reception facilities. It prides itself on its international, four-star cuisine. Last year, it began a member reward club to help the marketing department track the purchasing patterns of its most loyal customers. All of the hotel transactions are stored in a database. Your task is to help the managers of the Prestige Hotels in Denver and Chicago identify their customers who stayed in a room last year and who had two persons in their party.

Start Access. Open the downloaded   Access file named Exp19_Access_Ch02_ML2_Hotel. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename. Save the file to the   location where you are storing your files.

Import   the location data from the Excel file Location.xlsx   as a new table in the current database. Using the wizard, specify that the   first row contains column headings, set the LocationID field to be indexed   with no duplicates, and set the LocationID field as the primary key. Import   the table with the default name Location   and do not save the import steps.

View   the Location table in Design view and change the field size for the   LocationID field to Long Integer.   Save the table. Click Yes in the   dialog box indicating that some data may be lost. Close the table.

Add   the LocationOrdersMembers, and Service tables to the Relationships window to begin establishing   relationships in the database. Close the Show Table dialog box. Create a   one-to-many relationship between the Location table and the Orders table   using the LocationID field. Enforce Referential Integrity. Select the option   to cascade update the related fields.

Create   a relationship between the Members and Orders tables using the MemNumber   field, ensuring that you enforce referential integrity and cascade update   related fields.

Create   a relationship between the Service and Orders tables using the ServiceID   field, ensuring that you enforce referential integrity and cascade update   related fields. Save and close the Relationships window.

Create   a new query in Design view using Location,   MembersOrders, and Service tables.   Add the following fields to the query (in this order): ServiceDate from the Orders table; City from the Location table, NoInParty from Orders table; ServiceName   from the Service table; and FirstName   and LastName from the Members   table. Set the criteria in city field to limit the output to Denver.

Display   only service dates from 7/1/2017   to 6/30/2018 (Hint:   Use the Between   command).

Set   the NoInParty criterion to 2.   Sort the results in ascending order by the ServiceDate. Run and save the   query with the name Denver Rooms 2 Guests.

Use   Design view to change the order of the query fields so that they display as   FirstName, LastName, ServiceDate, City, NoInParty, and ServiceName. Run, save   the changes to the query, and close the query.

Copy   the Denver Rooms 2 Guests query   and paste it in the Navigation pane, renaming the new query Chicago Rooms 2 Guests.

Open   the Chicago Rooms 2 Guests query   in Design view, and change the City criterion from Denver to Chicago.   Run the query and save the changes. Close the query.

Close   the database and exit Access. Submit the database as directed.

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