Think of a standard unit of study in the course or grade you intend to teach. Think of the sexual orientation or family structure bias that may currently occur when teaching this unit. Design a new outline to teach this unit considering other sexual orientations or family structures that exist. In this module, you are exploring the concept of identity in relation to social change agency. The development of your identity is an ongoing process that spans your entire lifetime. Personality traits and lived experiences collectively, yet differentially, contribute to the lens through which you define your identity.
First, title your post “Identity and Social Change Agency.”
For your initial post, you will define and reflect on the relationship between identity and social change agency. Your post should address the following:
In your own words, define identity and describe its relevance to social change agency.
In what ways have personal and social factors influenced the development of your identity?
Describe which aspects of your identity would prove most beneficial to you in managing change and why.
Reflect on your BA Psychology program experience and describe one way that you would apply your knowledge of psychology to manage the effects of social change.
Describe how identity and social change agency connect to one of the following programmatic themes:
Social justice
Emotional intelligence (EI)
Career connections
In this milestone, you will examine various definitions of social change identity and the ways in which these definitions align with the attitudes, beliefs, and ideals that reflect your identity. You will revisit the social change initiative that you discuss in this milestone assignment as you complete Project One.
For this activity, you will first research and review five scholarly resources that include varying definitions of social change identity. In an annotated bibliography format, you will summarize and cite the definitions of social change identity from each resource, then respond to the following criteria:
Record and cite five scholarly resources that include varying definitions of social change identity.
Identify three themes that emerged from the researched definitions.
Describe which of the three themes you feel has the greatest personal significance to you and why.
Describe which of the three themes you believe has the greatest societal significance and why.
Note: In your research, you may find it challenging to locate resources that explicitly include the phrase “social change identity”. In fact, it is far more likely that you will find resources that loosely connect the concepts of “social change” and “identity”. As you may assume, the way in which each of us conceptualize “social change identity” is a matter of subjective perception. Therefore, please remain open minded and creative in your thought process as you develop your unique interpretation of this concept.
Next, you will address the following in 4 to 5 sentences per criterion, citing your sources in APA style:
Describe a theory of personal change that best reflects your character and/or values and explain why.
Describe how a social change initiative of your choice aligns with your personal ideals.
All sources and ideas requiring attribution must be cited according to APA style.
Guidelines for Submission
Submit your Module One Milestone assignment as a Word document, with all sources cited according to APA style.
In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Connect and extend knowledge from the field of psychology to other contexts
As an advocate for positive change, you are inspired to address the social issues that align with your personal ideals. Your personality, lived experiences, and path to personal growth have contributed to your social change identity, fostering qualities that will enable you to serve a purpose greater than yourself. Whether your change agency focuses on education reform, violence against women, poverty and hunger, or animal abuse, you have a unique purpose that motivates you to answer the question: How can I advocate for the change that I want to see in the world? In this assignment, you will examine the various psychosocial factors that impact your efforts to advocate for your cause.
Using the learning from your Module Three Milestone assignment, you will refer to a social change initiative that aligns with your personal ideals and examine the role of advocacy in your efforts to effect positive social change. Address the following rubric criteria using credible sources of evidence in a 2- to 3-page reflection:
Describe the ways in which grit, resilience, and coping skills are essential to any advocacy effort.
Describe how you would apply the principles of emotional intelligence for collaboration in your advocacy efforts.
Describe the psychology subdisciplines that are most relevant to the interdisciplinary nature of your advocacy efforts.
Describe the ways in which your knowledge of psychology has prepared you to execute your social change initiative.
All sources and ideas requiring attribution must be cited according to APA style.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Reflection Paper Submit your 2- to 3-page reflection paper as a Word document. Sources should be cited according to APA style.