. Take a journey like a theatre artist

Journal Instructions

This is a journal assignment that is split into several sections and will take several days to complete. Follow the directions in each section to complete the assignment successfully.     

The sections listed below are based on the information covered in the content page Theater is Creativity. Click on the link to review if needed.

Each part should be completed on separate days, not all at once.

Each of your responses should be a minimum of 1 paragraph.

Participate in each of the activities listed below.

Present a journal (a written reflection based on each category listed below) on the experience.

Part 1: Temper Your Criticism

Which do you have a habit of doing: censoring or considering?

For one day, try and do the opposite of what you do normally and see what you discover. Record your observations in your journal.

Part 2: Let Your Mind Wander

How many times a day do you daydream or “zone out”?

The next time you do, reflect on what you daydreamed about.

Record as many instances of daydreaming that you can and see if you can see a pattern. Do your daydreams tell you something about yourself and your desires?  What do they tell you?

Part 3: Change Your Lifestyle

Do you get enough sleep? Why or why not?

Do exercise regularly? Why or why not?

At some point, when it is appropriate and will not negatively impact your responsibilities, commit to doing the opposite. Sleep in one day or go to bed early. Do some form of exercise if exercise is not part of your regular routine. If exercise is part of your regular routine, do a completely different form of exercise or physical activities that you would not normally engage in (i.e. if you usually do Yoga then trying doing a session of weight training, or if you usually do weight training try doing a session of Yoga – you get the idea). You can also think of other ways in which you can do the opposite of your set lifestyle. Reflect on the discoveries you made by changing your lifestyle.

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