

Civil Engineering

Description Assume you have been assigned duties as a team leader to design a new bridge across river Tana as part of a highway project from Nairobi to Garissa. Briefly highlight the basic data you would need to facilitate design…

Profile Essay Outline/Plan

Directions: Use the chart below to plan your profile essay. You do not have to write your essay word for word, but your answers should be fairly detailed. If you need help choosing a lead-in/hook strategy, please scroll to the…


Textbook- Crooks R. L., Baur K., & Widman L. (2021). Our Sexuality.  Discussion 1 (400 words) Begin by viewing the PBS Documentary “American Porn .”  Discuss how  atypical sexual behavior is defined. Religion and the economy, for example, have played large…

Locate and summarize a news story involving an emerging legal situation in education or in schools. What are some key points when looking for an emerging issue? *Is it something growing in use because of something in the past? Think about laptops. They were an emerging issue at one time. Now nearly all schools have them. Is the issue something that can become an opportunity for change? Think about remote learning opportunities.

Some topics you might explore on the internet: school choice, disruptions at school board meetings, stress and teacher fatigue, service learning projects, competency-based education in high schools, standards-based report cards, critical race theory, and expanding use of technology. Apply:  If this…


Discussion 1 ( 260) words Discuss some of the ways in which social policy affects what we can and cannot do in practice. Do people who work with vulnerable populations have a responsibility to advocate on behalf of the people…


In 200 words- Discuss the physical changes that take place in middle adulthood, and explain how these detriments may be offset. In 200 words- What is your view of middle adulthood now vs. what it was when you were a…

The author brings up everything from those who “despise wisdom” (v. 7), to those who think simply (v. 4), to those able to think with discernment (v. 4) and understanding (vv. 5, 6) and apply it to life (v. 5). This is all a portrait of the development of concepts, from knowing the content provided to thinking it through into a mind that exhibits wisdom. It is learning through concept development. The Bible itself exemplifies this, since as God’s special verbal revelation, it calls us to cognitive learning. As Gerhard Bussmann writes, “God has appeared in history via events, appeared personally in Christ, and has also revealed his will via a written record, the Bible. . . . [Cognitive learning] is knowing God with the mind.”1

Levels of “Knowing” A third-grade children’s church student might say, “I know John 3:16. ‘For God so loved the world . . .’” Yes, they know it, in the sense they have memorized the words. However, if they are still…