

Teaching and learning styles

Description Learning styles represent the different approaches to learning based on preferences, weaknesses, and strengths. For learners to best achieve the desired educational outcome, learning styles must be considered when creating a plan. Complete “The VARK Questionnaire,” located on the…

Writing Response – Topics in Inequality

Description This is the link of the book we are using for the course Cover There are 5 short answer prompts to cover chapters 2,3,4 and 5. Read each chapter before writing your response. Your short answers should reflect your…

Development of Sociological Theory

Essay Prompt In this short essay, you will be expected to compare and contrast the position of the two theorists listed in the respective prompt you choose. This is an analytical paper; the expectation is that you engage with the…

Work and Financial Support during coronavirus

Description Purpose The main purpose of the assessment is to test the following academic skills: communicating information, ideals and opinions clearly and effectively with appropriate details to suit the purpose select and use the appropriate resources and references to convey…

essay on the boston girl for film

Description Guidelines for Paper on The Boston Girl Length and Formatting: 5 page, double-spaced, MLA Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt. Source Citation Style: MLA 8 Your 5-page essay on The Boston Girl should take the form of a book…

Air and Water

Description Do you believe that the United States should commit to the Paris Agreement? What arguments most influenced your decision? Do you believe that we will experience significant global warming during this century due to air pollution? In what way…

Reflective Writing

Description Assignment Instructions for Students Weekly Assignment Instructions and Information Course Assignment Instructions This course requires students to submit weekly written assignments. The following instructions will provide a guideline for Assignment: Read and study each assigned chapter in the required…


Description Read the article on WebMD: Question 1: What is the primary reason ADHD child at great risk for drug abuse in their teen years and beyond? The article reports that ADHD children are co-diagnosed with Conduct Disorder. How…