

Social Entrepreneurship”

Discuss three (3) ways that large organizations are increasingly engaging in social entrepreneurship and the importance of stakeholder relationships in this effort. Describe the concept of ‘Third Sector’ innovation and reflect on the motive of non-profit entrepreneurial organizations to service…

Informatics In Healthcare VI

Data-Based Changes Write an essay addressing each of the following points Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each number item. There should be three sections, one for each item number below, as well the introduction (heading is…

Community Health VI

In this assignment, you will develop two separate infographics (informative posters) to discuss two separate health issues relevant to the LGBT communities. In each infographic you will discuss: What is the health problem Which group(s) are most likely to be…

Annotation Of A Qualitative Research Article

Submit: Annotation of a Qualitative Research Article This week, you will submit the annotation of a qualitative research article on a topic of your interest. Narrative, ethnographic, grounded theory, case study, and phenomenology are examples of types of research designs…

Digital Forensic Tools & Tech

Overview: In Chapter 2 we talked about how computer crime affects forensics and you learned about the following categories: 1. Identify theft 2. Hacking systems for data 3. Cyberstalking / harassment 4. Internet fraud 5. Non-access computer crimes 6. Cyberterrorism…

MCJ5001 Foundations In Criminal Justice SU01

Week 1 Project – Due Jan 20, 2020 11:59 PMMCJ5001 Foundations in Criminal Justice SU01 In this week’s discussions, you considered some of the issues surrounding the implementation of mental health courts. For this assignment, you have been hired to…

Answer Within 24 Hours

Chapters 5-7 Unit Discussion: Read Federalist Paper # 10-the link is provided below: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. After reading Federalist # 10, please address the following: Explicate Madison’s assertions about the relationship between liberty,…