

Describe three different kinds of economic systems.

Description Describe three different kinds of economic systems. Write one page of an assignment by paraphrasing the information given below. ——- One important way in which humans relate to their environment is through economic activity, that is, the production and…

Emerging Technologies

With the advent of various technological advancements, law enforcement efforts in the investigation and prosecution of crime have been met with positive results. However, with every advantage comes a disadvantage. Criminals have also benefited from these technologies and use the…

Analyze Non-Discrimination Practices

Write a paper analyzing any anti-discrimination law which is now a state law. Select an anti-discrimination law that applies to the private sector, not the public sector – government. Analyze the way that this legislation impacts the way that business…

Epidemiology Paper

Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance when completing this assignment. Communicable Disease…


1. Which of the following characteristics is NOT a potential source of inefficiency in market capitalist economies? A. Monopoly power B. Imperfect information C. Franchise taxes D. Externalities 2. Which of the following economies is NOT an example of a…

Ethics and the Examined Life

Description 10 questions 1. 1. When can it be said that your moral beliefs are not really yours? 2. 2. In what ways are we forced to do ethics? What is at stake in these deliberations? 3. 3. What is…

Cultural competence

HCMN415 – FINANCING AND ORGANIZATION OF HEALTHCARE SERVICES IN THE US Cultural Competency Self-Assessment Assignment 1. Read and summarize the key points of the articles required for this module. Be sure to include the following:  What are the main…

Community Engagement Content Reflection

Formatting Requirements: • Typed or uploaded as a Word (.doc, .docx) document – Papers written and submitted in a word processor not compatible with Microsoft cannot be accepted. • Minimum of 300 word requirement • Header at the top of…