

#3 Care Coordination Presentation

Develop a 20-minute presentation for nursing colleagues highlighting the fundamental principles of care coordination. Create a detailed narrative script for your presentation, approximately 4–5 pages in length, and record a video of your presentation. Nurses have a powerful role in…

Screening Log

Description A screening log should include: Your Emotional Response after the first viewing Purpose/aim/meaning of film as you see it immediately after the viewing (To complete this portion, you should answer this question: If Gothic Fiction is meant to educate…

Discussion Board

Description Scenario This course uses the CTU Professional Learning Model™ (CTU PLM) to teach students with hands-on, industry-related, problem-solving experiences that model the professional environment and encourage achievements that lead to student and employer success. The CTU PLM is founded…

Growth and Development Paper

Description Choose a person you know well and complete a developmental analysis of this person’s current period of development. You can choose a person from any of the developmental stages excluding infancy and toddlerhood. Through observation and communications with the…

Strategy And Performance Management At DSM

Read the case titled, Strategy and Performance Management at DSM, located in the XanEdu case pack. Students should purchase an access code to the case pack at the Strayer Bookstore. You will be emailed an access code with instructions for…

Huda Principles of Supervision D5

UNIT 5 Discussion: 1 . Review the scoring rubric and complete the initial discussion activity (includes video links to necessary information). 2. . Respond to two classmates discussion posts You will complete steps A, B, and C for 3 video…

Data Science & Big Data

“ISLR” An Introduction to Statistical Learning, Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani, 3 Linear Regression 59 3.1 Simple Linear Regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .…

Case Analysis: Harley-Davidson Inc. In May 2015

Read the case, “Harley-Davidson Inc. in May 2015” attached. Use the case analysis format provided below to identify and address the problems and provide several suggested solutions that the Harley-Davidson Inc. executive team can review for possible implementation. Be sure…

3-2 Essay: Rule-Based Classifiers Vs. Decision Tree Models

Topic: Rule-Based Classifiers vs. Decision Tree Models Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to determine which method is more appropriate in certain scenarios for building classification models relative to data mining practices. Classification is a pervasive data mining problem…