


this will require you to use google earth 2. Locate your area using Google Earth and report on the following as an original discussion post in Unit 3 Official Post: Latitude and longitude (center of park/monument) Screenshot of the area…


Assignment Details Address the following in 6 pages: Are there existing public communication programs, processes, systems, efforts, and plans in place for the purposes of public education? What are they? Explain in detail. Has the effectiveness of any of these…

Data Science & Big Data Analytics

(Individual Project): Description: • Select your case study organization that is using complex data systems and need your help as a data scientist to advise them on data analysis issues and management. • Explain the company overview, products/services, and their…

Putting Learning To Practice

From the instructor: Please identify a computer system you have recently had experience with (at home, work,etc.); prepare an attached PowerPoint presentation (minimum 8 slides) describing a potential computer security problem related to that system. The target audience is a…

Data Analyzing And Visualization

CONTEXTUAL THINKING ABOUT DIFFERENT SCENARIOS This exercise involves you using imagination and logical reasoning to occupy the mindset of a visualiser facing the task of formulating a brief for different scenarios. Imagine you are given the challenge of creating a…

“Brochure And Email”

Brochure and Email In this first assignment, you will develop a brochure and an email for your chosen organization, department, service, or product about its public reputation and how that impacts buying decisions. Choose a provider, service, or product that…

Fundamentals Of Psychology

Fixing the Organization: You were hired by a client organization to help reduce the high volume of turnover and absenteeism that is currently plaguing the organization. Develop a strategy to help the organization end absenteeism and turnover issues while increasing…