

Strategic Marketing Discussion

Dealing with the Competition: The Burger Wars: Dealing with the competition has been compared to the theories of war. Over 20 centuries ago, in the Art of War, Sun Tzu put down the ideas that have guided wars ever since.…

75-100 Discussion Question

Motivation and Leadership Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to…

global warming and such

Description Write a report of two or more pages that presents the scientific facts about global warming and explains what the carbon cycle is and how it relates to global warming. Your report should address the following: Part 1: The…

Hrm Capston Assignment 1

Assignment 1: Strategy, Planning, and Selection Assignment 1: Strategy, Planning, and Selection Due Week 3 and worth 170 points Assume for this assignment that you are being highly considered for a director-level HR management position for a best-in-class national retailer.…

Corrections And Incarcerations

The unique needs of each individual offender means that a “one size fits all” approach to sanctions does not work for offenders. As a result, a range of punishments has been developed to address the various needs of different offenders.…

Pick between 3-5 nursing leaders. Could be anyone you consider to have great leadership capacity. Nursing scientists, nursing theorists, historical nursing leaders, contemporary nursing leaders, etc.

Description Professional Development Assessment Paper for LPN-BSN Students This is a writing assignment. Directions · Write an essay including the following components: · Pick between 3-5 nursing leaders. Could be anyone you consider to have great leadership capacity. Nursing scientists,…

Digital Marketing Discussion

Write a one paper page on the following below: 1. Research and select two websites – one you would consider possessing good on-site SEO and one not so good on-site SEO (in your opinion). Discuss and justify your findings based…

Assignment 1 CIS 558

Assignment 1: ERM Roadmap The following material may be useful for the completion of this assignment. You may refer to the documents titled “Embracing Enterprise Risk Management: Practical Approaches for Getting Started” and “Developing Key Risk Indicators to Strengthen Enterprise…