

Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Most of the writing you will be required to do in college, including English courses, will be persuasive in nature. That is why rhetorical knowledge is a major learning outcome of this course. As the readings covered…

Health and Livibility

Task 1: What is public health? Your first task this week is to access and use materials produced by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC). Following the link below to access/download a slide show that introduces some definitions and key…

Prep Assignment for Part 1: Epidemiology

Description Prep Assignment for Part 1: Epidemiology Due: Tuesday, 9/22 by 10:15am on Canvas Overview The overall goal of this assignment is to apply the concepts learned regarding epidemiological study types by having you design your own studies. You will…

Case brief assignment

Description You must find a case related to the weekly chapter (courts and litigation). You can pull your case from the book or from the internet as long as you cite the sources. Please write a short synopsis of the…

Critical Analysis Paper

Description Describe an example of a contract that you or someone you know entered into (e.g., rental agreement, cell phone agreement, property purchase or lease [e.g., car, home, furniture, etc.], home or car repair, or student loan agreement). In your…

leadership project

Description Background The success of any business is often attributed in large part to the qualities and attributes of its leadership. Business leaders are evaluated across many dimensions. Instructions Choose two business leaders who have held CEO positions in Fortune…

Understanding Scandals Responses Assignment

Understanding Scandals Assignment One:Reading Responses:Five (5) Online Postings Objectives: 1. To deepen your engagement with course materials. You are expected to study the readings carefully so as to truly understand and engage with the main ideas. Engagement means an active…

Critique An Article 2-3 Pages

Assignment Description: It is important for you to learn how to write about another author’s work. That is different from writing down exactly what the author wrote. Your review should not read as though you are the author of the…

Optimism and Pessimism: Everyone Experiences Both

Description As human beings, there are some situations and experiences that we face with curiosity and excitement and some that we don’t. In these situations, we are either being open-minded and optimistic about the possibilities of the situation and the…