

Digital Identity

this assignment, you will create a visual argument about your identity. Using a medium or technology of your choice, you will need to do the following: Create an artifact that visualizes or explains some aspect of your identity. Make sure…

Constitution Law

please read before responding Please read the fact pattern below and answer the following questions: Imagine you are a leader in a post-colonial African country and you are considering what type of constitution your country should adopt. You are excited…

HA540 Unit 7 Discussion

Using the Medicare Nursing Home Compare website, research one nursing home that displays a low level of quality as indicated by their Five Star Rating* The nursing home should display a low level of quality (-2 star rating) The nursing…

Drug business research paper

Description Include an APA formatted title page. Include at least five pages in 12-point font using Times New Roman. Indent block quotes (quotations over 40 words in length) .5 inch with no quotation marks around the block quotes. There must…

Fixed & Marginal Costs

Do you remember those storage devices called floppy disks, or were they already obsolete by the time you were born :)? According to Encyclopaedia Brittanica, “Floppy disks were popular from the 1970s until the late 1990s, when they were supplanted…

Film Reaction Of Tom Bradley

Impossible Dream Produced and Written by Lyn Goldfarb and Alison Sotomayor The Film Reaction is worth 100 points. The grading rubric for the Film Reactions are as follows: 1) Main idea is presented and your response is related to the…

HA565 Unit 7 Discussion

Using as references: Wickersham, M. E., & Basey, S. (2016). Is accreditation sufficient? A case study and argument for transparency when government regulatory authority is delegated. Journal of Health & Human Services Administration, 39(2), 245–282. Ratwani, R., Fairbanks, T., Savage,…

Current News Media and Aging

Aging and Society Student Worksheet Evaluating Current News Sources Directions: Please select a story from your news sources that pertains to your course, and complete the questions that follow. Title and author of the story you selected Date and source…


Task1: Explain the OSI security architecture. Discuss how the OSI security architecture provides a systematic framework for defining security attacks, mechanisms, and services. As you read in chapter 1, the field of network and Internet security consists of measures to…

My Case Study

CASE STUDY PAPER INSTRUCTIONS Reviewed for Summer B 2020May 5 There are many methods available for conducting research, one of which is a case study.The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn how to conduct and complete a…