

Musical Theatre Powerpoint

With a strong understanding of the elements of a musical, as well as the many genres of musical theatre, your Final Project is to create the “Next Great Broadway Musical”! You can create a Video, Powerpoint, or Google Slide to…

Health Promotion and Health Literacy Assessment

Description PURPOSE: This experiential activity helps you as a nurse increase your understanding of patient’s health promotion needs, apply health promotion assessment skills, and integrate principles of health literacy for health promotion. ABOUT THE INTERVIEW The experiential interview allows you…

Paper 3

Essay Question: What is “broken windows policing”? Is the emphasis on crime-fighting or is it on order maintenance? Why? Even if this approach is effective, do you think it is fair to concentrate police attention — including arrests for minor…

PHE6210 Health Promotion And Disease Prevention

Week 2 Conducting a Needs Assessment Using the South University Online Library, and the Internet, select two completed needs assessments and compare and contrast the steps and results used to carry-out the assessments. Write a 3 to 5 page paper…

Genetics, Birth, and Pregnancy

Description create a fictional case study The paper should follow this outline and answer these questions: Introduction Genetics: What role has genetics played in your life? Do you have a family history of inherited conditions that you are aware of?…

Activity 6 – Star Enterprises

Activity 6: Selection (100 points) Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In…

HN520 Discussion 6

In the helping profession, an intervention can be described as an action taken, a service provided, or a treatment technique used in an attempt to alleviate a problem. Clients/families come to human service professionals seeking help for all different types…

Intervention For Caregiver- Dementia Caregivers

Design an intervention or support program for caregivers. Your proposed intervention/program should be feasible, practical, and ethical. It should not simply mimic an existing intervention/program, although incorporating elements of successful existing interventions/programs is allowed. Describe the characteristics of your intervention/support…

Pros and Cons Essay

Description Technology has always been a highlight of human existence. From fire to the firearms and farming tools to computers, as a species, we constantly look for ways to use tools to extend our own capabilities. Today, one of the…