


Description The purpose of this assignment is to allow students to gain the necessary knowledge to manage cost and determine project viability through capital budgeting techniques, so they can effectively minimize the cumulative error between the projected values and actual…

impact of a technological innovation on society

Description Instructions: Find a NEWS article that addresses a recent technological development or the impact of a technological innovation on society. For example, there are many news articles about the impact of cell phone use on human cognition, social media…

EBP and ACS Core Measures

Description Explanation of Acute Coronary Syndrome Core measures CIS system data input for ACS Explain expected outcomes supported by evidence based research 3-4 peer reviewed nursing journal reference articles within the last five years APA format include references on slides…

Alfred Hitchcock’s “Vertigo”

Description Description of Assignment: The purpose of this essay will be to evaluate, critique, and analyze Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo. This film is widely regarded as the greatest example of technical and narrative filmmaking, in any language. You will chose a…

Advertisement Essay

Advertising Essay Assignment The marketplace plays an important role in technological development. For this reason I want you to analyze a full-page (or multi-page) magazine advertisement for an everyday product (shoes, jewelry, car, food, drugs…etc.) for your essay assignment. The…

Cultural Relativism and Moral Action

Description What was the situation? What did the dilemma involve? What would a subjective moral relativist say is the right approach to the dilemma? Why would that kind of relativist say that? What would a cultural relativist say is the…

Psychology Theory

Description * Theory of Psychology – Bandura’s Social Learning Theory (1971) – Skinner’s Operant Conditioning (Behaviorism Theory) (1938) – Erickson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development – Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory (1971), – Attachment Theory – Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Learning Theory – Piaget:…