

Climate Change

Description Assignment: Read “A practical guide to climate change in Alabama Links to an external site.”, which was the report on climate change written by the state of Alabama’s climatologist and write a 1-page brief on the following: What misinformation about…

Climate Change Issues

Description This week explain in your own words, your current understanding of climate change issues. What concerns you? Where do you get your information about climate change? Is there any climate change news or information that confuses you?

Case study and solution

Description For this assignment you will be reading a case study and watching a documentary about energy usage. The case study is given in the document attached above and the documentary is given in the Section 4 energy folder.  After…

2-part policy analysis memo

Description Topic Problem description: Invasive carp in the Chicago River threaten to invade Lake Michigan  Policy intervention: Proposed state and federal funding to install deterrents at Brandon Road Lock and Dam I WILL ATTACH TWO RESOURCES TO START WITH AND…

Review of science education article …..

Description Review and summarize article relating to science education and describe how you will use the information provided in your future classroom. The summaries of the articles include 1) Problems; 2) Solutions; 3) purposes of the study; 4) Method; 5)…


Description Summarize religious terrorism according to the textbook, and distinguish between primary and secondary motives for religious terrorism. (S) Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, Perspectives, and IssuesGus Martin, 2020Sage PublicationISBN.13: 978-1-544-37586-1

Discussion Week 4

Description Discussion: Using the U.S. Drought Monitor time series page, select a state with drought conditions that are getting worse over time. Describe the trend you are observing—what levels of drought are more occurrent and when (what seasons and/or years)? Use the U.S. Drought…

Environmental Science Question

Description Write at the minimum a 1-page brief answering the following questions: Using the EPA ECHO Enforcement Case Search tool and the same steps performed in the associated data exercise, find a facility with a high number of violations. This may be…