

Answer the following discussion questions

Description 1.Define curriculum and articulate the challenges in defining it. (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2016, Chapter 1) 2.Discuss the challenges involved in translating curriculum theory into practice. (Ornstein & Hunkins, 2017, Chapter 1) 3.Briefly describe the educational system in the country…

Story Analysis

Description analyze the story by answering 5 overarchingquestions (highlighted in green); however, do not answer those questions directly, but respond tothe sub-questions for each element (which are in bold and italics under each element). Afterresponding to each question, provide evidence…

Composition 1

Description Cómo pueden las habilidades de comunicación oral efectiva mejorar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en entornos profesionales? Proporcione ejemplos de cómo la expresión oral clara y coherente puede tener un impacto positivo en la participación y comprensión de…

reading questions

Description This week, we’ll be discussing a moral panic that perfectly illustrates what a typical moral panic is; how it develops; and long term impacts a moral panic can have on how regulations, laws and institutions are created to deal…

SOCW 6530: Practice Process Recording

Description 1(a)Using the Process Recording Template for Concentration Year, complete a practice process recording based on your engagement with the client in the Theory-Driven Advanced Practice interactive media. Specifically: Complete the agency and client information section. Provide a transcript of your dialogue…

Methods of Social Research SOC 3001

Description part 1)Read carefully the textbook (Appendix B: Writing a Research Proposal) and answer the following questions. (w4r11) What should you discuss at the beginning of the introduction section? (w4r12) What roles does your literature review play in the introduction…

Social Science Question

Description Our theme for this course revolves around the wicked problems of the impact of climate change on human beings.  What climate change-related issues have caught your eye in the news or social media? List one or two examples. Explain…

criminal justice.

Description Chapter 4 Discussion After reading Chapter 4 and watching the video titled, “The Price of Free Speech-and Censorship,” you will answer the following: Video Below  Do you believe the right to free speech under the 1st Amendment is eroding? …