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Discussion 1 ( 260) words Discuss some of the ways in which social policy affects what we can and cannot do in practice. Do people who work with vulnerable populations have a responsibility to advocate on behalf of the people…


In 200 words- Discuss the physical changes that take place in middle adulthood, and explain how these detriments may be offset. In 200 words- What is your view of middle adulthood now vs. what it was when you were a…

The author brings up everything from those who “despise wisdom” (v. 7), to those who think simply (v. 4), to those able to think with discernment (v. 4) and understanding (vv. 5, 6) and apply it to life (v. 5). This is all a portrait of the development of concepts, from knowing the content provided to thinking it through into a mind that exhibits wisdom. It is learning through concept development. The Bible itself exemplifies this, since as God’s special verbal revelation, it calls us to cognitive learning. As Gerhard Bussmann writes, “God has appeared in history via events, appeared personally in Christ, and has also revealed his will via a written record, the Bible. . . . [Cognitive learning] is knowing God with the mind.”1

Levels of “Knowing” A third-grade children’s church student might say, “I know John 3:16. ‘For God so loved the world . . .’” Yes, they know it, in the sense they have memorized the words. However, if they are still…

By reading or watching the current news, determine the monetary policy issues that face our economy today. Specifically, discuss whether the greater monetary policy risk is inflation or recession, and share what actions you expect the Fed to take, regarding their strategies to alleviate inflation or recession risks. 

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 1, 2 Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) Initial Post Instructions The study of ethics and philosophy is one that brings many different kinds of “thinkers”…


1 9 6 3 Are great ideas destroying your company? Creativity Is Not Enough by Theodore Levitt Ted Levitt, a former editor of HBR and one ofthe most incisive commentators on innovation to have appeared in our pages, takes dead…


INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAPER: The Purpose: The purpose of the Disruptive Innovation Project is for students to further understand theories of innovation, reflect on how innovations are disrupting their field of study/careers, and analyse important socioeconomic and technological trends impacting the…

Comment from Brian Holdsworth on You Tube:

“There’s this narrative out there that says that science arose in Christian Europe in spite of the antagonism of the religious authorities against reason. It portrays the scientific revolution as the inevitable triumph of reason over superstition. So that sounds…