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Exp19_Access_Ch04_ML1 – Hotel Chain 1.0

Access Chapter 4 Mid-Level 1 – Hotel Chain Project Description: You are the general manager of a large hotel chain. You track revenue by categories, such as conference room rentals and weddings. You want to create a report that shows…

Project Description:

The Prestige Hotel chain caters to upscale business travelers and provides state-of-the-art conference, meeting, and reception facilities. It prides itself on its international, four-star cuisine. Last year, it began a member reward club to help the marketing department track the…

The Advertising Experience

#1 – Why is planning so important for the success of brand messages? How did planning help Mountain Dew to evolve not only its ads and other promotional activities , but its core identity ?  Answer the  questions thoroughly, 1…

Cooperation and Competition

Cooperation is necessary for teams to operate smoothly and effectively, and a cooperative atmosphere offers many benefits for team members. However, many team members find themselves in mixed-motive situations that include both cooperation and competition. Team members may be competitive…

Increasing Team Motivation

The discussion of the impact of social loafing on a team helps identify the factors that encourage motivation in the team. Increasing a team’s motivation depends on multiple factors: the task it performs, how performance will be evaluated and rewarded,…

Hidden Agendas

Team goals provide a number of valuable functions, but they also can be a source of problems. Problems arise from hidden agendas, which are unspoken individual goals that conflict with overall team goals (Johnson & Johnson, 1997). The most basic…

Organizational Context

The organizational context has a significant effect on whether teams operate successfully (Guzzo & Dickson, 1996). Teams may be used to improve the operations of organizations, but teams are sensitive to their organizational environments and need the right conditions to…

How Teams Are Used by Organizations

Teams are used to serve a variety of functions for organizations. The day-to-day operations of organizations can be shifted to teams (e.g., factory production teams, airline crews). Teams can be formed to provide advice and deal with special problems. For…


There are two sources of information about teamwork. First, there is a large body of research in psychology and the social sciences called group dynamics that examines how people work in small groups. This research was collected over the past…

Group Dynamics for Teams 5th Edition

SAGE was founded in 1965 by Sara Miller McCune to support the dissemination of usable knowledge by publishing innovative and high-quality research and teaching content. Today, we publish more than 850 journals, including those of more than 300 learned societies,…