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Simulation Experience Scenario

Simulated Experience This week you will engage in a virtual scenario where you will play the role of an Emergency Manager who is preparing for a mass gathering event. You will interface with different members of the Incident Command System…

Packet Analyzers(TELE)

This week you will examine WireShark, a well-used network-packet analyzer. For this discussion: Define a packet analyzer and describe its use List commonly used packet analyzers (beyond WireShark) List best practices for analyzing packets Describe uses (good and bad, ie.…

Business Strat DB 4

This assignment has 2 parts. Q1 Post an executive summary of your Comprehensive Project in the body of a post in this Discussion Board (do not use attachments). An executive summary is a 10% synopsis of a larger document that…

Wendy Lewis 3

You have been tasked to design a counseling group from start to finish. To start this task, select one of the following group types. 1.Children of divorce 2.Children of addicts 3.Adult Survivors of abuse (could be sexual or physical) 4.Treatment…

Source Plan

Develop a high-level IT sourcing plan to guide Phoenix Fine Electronics to adopting enterprise solutions rather than multiple stand-alone systems. As a guideline, your sourcing plan should be a 3- to 4-page outline or summary. Include the following in your…


Throughout the term you have explored and examined numerous topics around management and leadership. Throughout the week reflect on materials covered and lessons learned during the term. Use APA format and references and in-text citations. List of Topics learned in…

Business Analytics

Locate any report or periodical article that contains at least two different graphical representations of data or use one of the supplied articles. Interpret the graphs and present your findings in a brief PowerPoint presentation (6 slides). You may choose…

Management Orientation Program Proposal

Management Orientation Program Proposal You have the opportunity to create a proposal to present to the leadership team for the orientation of new nurse managers. This project will include the creation of an orientation using leadership and management topics that…

Management Interviews

Management Interviews Interview two persons in a nursing leadership/management role, such as a Charge Nurse/Team Leader, Head Nurse/Manager, Director of Nursing, or Chief Nursing Officer. Select one leader that has been in the role less than two years and the…

Research 7

Instructions Final Project Now that you have completed the first six assignments, it is time to complete your research project for the course. Include the following sections in your submission. Title Page Table of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Statement of…