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EP 004 Work Product

a Work Product that is divided in to two parts. In Part I, you will describe the “NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards and Accreditation Criteria” (Document #3) and “NAEYC Engaging Diverse Families Project Program Self-Assessment Checklist” (Document #4), and explain…

Week 2 Discussion

Using proper APA format, support your answers with scholarly research, examples, and evaluation. Appraise your peers’ postings and provide substantive feedback. Evaluate and comment on the postings and views of at least two peers concerning their rationales and examples used…

Assignment Week 3

Assignment 1: Practice Makes Perfect? At Least, Practice Makes Better! By Day 7 Work independently on your Personalized Learning Plan through CONNECT. You will not be asked to spend much time on those skills that the diagnostic test indicated are…

Classroom Images And Play

To begin, view the photo story below that shares some beautiful images of children around the world playing. Children Playing Around the World (Links to an external site.) Next, choose one of the articles below to read: Option 1: Perspectives…

Plan Of Work

Plan of Work Gloria is employed at Jones University, through Higher Learning Systems in Connecticut as a data entry specialist. She originally worked for Higher Learning Systems in Canada; but, she transferred with her husband to the United States through…


The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered. For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by Week 2, Day 3. To support…


By the due date assigned, respond to the assigned discussion questions and submit your responses to the appropriate Discussion Area. Start reviewing and responding to your classmates as early in the week as possible. Question 1: Renaissance and Baroque Sculpture…


Observing an adolescent: If you already have frequent opportunities to interact with an adolescent, what do you notice about their interests, concerns, opportunities, and/or goals? (Your frequent opportunities may be because you’re a parent, teacher, older sibling, mentor, family friend,…