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Docker and Knime

Description Introduction A data warehouse is an integrated information system. Typically, a data warehouse is made of several data sources, some of them remote. However, a data warehouse attempts to minimize remote queries. One of the challenges in designing a…

IT411 Unit 10 Lab and Written Analysis

Description Last wee of course, final Lab Assignment Unit 10 Lab: Mobile Forensics, Reverse Engineering in Linux, and Forensic Case Capstone Outcomes addressed in this activity: Unit Outcomes: Course Outcome: IT411-6: Investigate current practices and trends in digital and network forensics. Purpose…

Pick Your Own OWASP SAMM 2.0 Adventure Part 4/ Operations

Description Overview: • Target the senior level executives in your organization. • Provide a paper about one of the three Security Practices in the OWASP SAMM 2.0 Business Function “OPERATIONS”: o Incident Management o Environmental Management o Operational Management •…

IT403: Fundamentals of Database-Project

Description I kindly request that you complete the attached project, ensuring that you follow the instructions outlined on the project’s main page. Course: IT403: Fundamentals of Database. Instructions: 1- The work should be your own, copying from students or other…

A project for Human Computer Interaction

Description As a designer, you have been asked to come out with an application , website, or system to serve one of the following fields. Movie Theaters Teaching programming for intermediate school students Transportation services system Hajj and Umrah Services…

MSP430 signals

Description Running Modes Mode 0 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Objective For this assignment, you should attempt to recreate the RGB LED activity listed above with the method inside parenthesis. Pressing the button on the Blacktop should advance to the…

Operating system simulation and performance analysis

Description In this project, students will use open-source simulators to create virtual environments that mimic real-world operating system scenarios. They will then analyze the performance of these simulated systems, enabling them to gain practical insights into operating system behavior.Key features…

Individual project reflection

Description The individual project reflection report is a summary of your contributions to the project over the semester, and a reflection on your performance and how you can improve. The project reflection should contain the following: In the reflection sections,…

Programming Question

Description Objective Implement the frontend of your full stack web application using React or NextJS and ShadCN UI. The frontend should interact with the backend you created in the previous assignments, ensuring user authentication and data retrieval from your database…