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Creating A Unit Plan

Week 4 – Assignment Creating a Unit Plan Once you’ve gotten to know your students through learning profile inventories that identify individual areas of strength and learning styles, you can design multimodal lessons that incorporate instructional technology that engage the…

Position Paper

Position Paper Instructions: Communication is used to inform, to persuade and to analyze. In this assignment, you will persuade the reader of your point of view by supporting a thesis with objective facts and credible evidence. In the week 2…

Deviant Behavior As it Relates to Bullying

Description 324_30_DeviantBehavior Performance Area (90-100) A (80-89) B (70-79) C (60-69) D/ F< 60 Structure Well-developed paragraphs, complete sentences, title page, body of work meets requirements, references, followed the example specifically Written work is clear and excellent college-level work; Paragraphing…


There is not one standard template, but infact there are many ways in which students can create the Master Paper about “THE BIRTH OF ISLAM” . The paper must be researched, fact-based and contain at least a color image (unless…

Sociology Assignment 300 Words

Read post and comment on strategies for combating racism. Do you agree with the author? Why or why not? Post by 11:59 p.m. 5/1/20; comments due by 11:59 p.m. 5 Dear White People, I’ve debated for a while whether or…

Development Plan for Three Skills Assignment

What to submit/deliverables: Word document that contains the Week 9 Assignment Template. What is the value of doing this assignment? For the last nine weeks, you’ve been learning how the 10 Skills are an essential part of being successful in the future world…

Phase 1 – Due In 36 Hours

Please read the detailed instructions that have been provided regarding your “Final Project” located in both the Announcements and Discussions sections Week 3: Phase I Select your company and provide the following information: Mission and Vision Values and Ethics Organization…

Article Analysis and Summary

Description You are to select an article that would contribute to an understanding of your particular topic of interest. This article must be current (i.e., within the past 5 years). Part I: Global Article Analysis What research gap is the…