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Criminal Justice 7

Part 1 this is the book that can use along with sources Siegal, L. J., & Worrall, J. L., Essentials of Criminal Justice, 9th Ed., Cengage Chapter 11 Would you allow a community correctional center to be built in your…

Response Journal 1: Gilgamesh

Description The expectation is that you write about 300 words, so approximately 1 1/2 pages, double-spaced. Upload here. Write down your first reaction to the readings; do not look up on Google or any other websites if you did not…

Edu 522 Assignment 1

Assignment 1: e-Learning Due Week 3 and worth 120 points Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Define e-Learning. Summarize at least five (5) significant developments in e-Learning over the past ten (10) years. Evaluate at…

Reflection Paper

The first step in dealing with stress is to identify the contributing factors. Briefly describe two stressors that you face in your professional life that interfere with your ability to manage time effectively. If you are not currently employed, you…

Managerial Economics

Description Select a company, government agency or any other service outlet and one of its products that interest you to study from an applied economic point of view. You are encouraged to look up articles about your chosen company or…

Gifted and talented Program

Description This is not an actual named school, as you can tell by the requirements Gifted and Talented Identification Choose only one of these Assignments 1-Gifted and Talented Identification: Student will compare and contrast his/her school district gifted identification policy/procedures…


Description These are just essay questions and no sources are required to be cited. There is no page or word count required. Answer the following questions and submit your answers as detailed in the syllabus. 1. Discuss the development of…

U.S. Federal Bureaucracy And Public Policy

POL/115 Week 3 Assignment U.S. Federal Bureaucracy and Public Policy Step 1: Complete the federal bureaucracy matrix to demonstrate how it influences the U.S. political system. Include APA citations for all unoriginal ideas, facts, or definitions. Elements of federal bureaucracy…