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3-4 Paragraphs With References And No Plagiarism

Assignment Details You are a criminal intelligence analyst in a major crimes unit. Your unit handles some of the most horrendous crimes that occur in your jurisdiction. Recently, a case involving extreme violence resulting in deaths and sexual assaults has…

University Database

A prestigious university has recently implemented a consolidation strategy that will require it to centralize their student records. In order to move forward, the local university will need to develop a data model that will retain student records and perform…

(466) 3-5 Pages With References And No Plagiarism

Scenario: You are an intern assigned to a special agent for your state’s investigative bureau with a specialty in criminal intelligence. A representative for the Governor’s Office would like you to write a paper explaining how someone who is not…


For this assignment, you will choose a topic (assisted suicide, abortion, immigration, welfare, etc.) that can lead to political controversy. In 750-1,000 words, do the following: Explain both sides of the political argument through ethical analysis. Recommend how policy makers…


I JUST WANT TO DO THIS DISCUSSION AND FOLLOW THE RULES (5 SENTENCES OR MORE) The FITT-VP approach to developing an individualized exercise program is a very basic template to help ensure the primary components of a complete program are…

3.3 – Assignment: Mapping Out The Service Experience

According to Gibbons (2017), designing a service requires the provider identify the touchpoints that create a customer’s journey — or rather the “experience of the user.” One tool managers use to understand the customer journey is a service blueprint (…

PSYC 210 Quiz 2 (2020)

IMPORTANT: AFTER PURCHASE, LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT AND SCROLL DOWN BELOW THIS PAGE TO DOWNLOAD FILES WITH ANSWERS. FASD is one of the leading causes of birth defects and is also associated with many developmental disabilities. FASD stands for:…

Persuasive Presentation With Outline

Topic: health sanitation nutrition and disease control Select a topic which advocates involvement with a charitable organization. The topic should relate in some way to issues within communities and/or the environment and be one in which the public can become…

PSYC 210 Quiz 3 (2020)

IMPORTANT: AFTER PURCHASE, LOG IN TO YOUR ACCOUNT AND SCROLL DOWN BELOW THIS PAGE TO DOWNLOAD FILES WITH ANSWERS. Alcohol, drugs, and environmental toxins can be passed from mom to baby via breastmilk. One of the first fine motor skills…