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Statistics Question

Description We are allowed to do 2 practice exams before the actual exam. the actual exam is tomorrow starting 8 am – 10:30 am were going to have 2 hours to finished it its going to be 14 questions exam.…

SPSS Analysis Practice 2

Description This practice set is to be completed individually and will allow you to practice running and interpreting t-test and ANOVA analyses. You will need both the Practice SPSS Data file and the Limited OSHPD Utilization File to complete the…

Statistics Question

Description You will be answering the questions in a Word document and submitting the Word document along with your SPSS data file (.sav file). It is preferred that students work in pairs on the assignment, with one assignment submitted per…

Statistics Question

Description In the files you will find the LAB portion of the course which is a MS Excel or ODS spreadsheet titled “Statistics 101_Lim_Final Master” Please download the file and save it with your LAST NAME_FIRST NAME on your hard / thumb -drive. “3…

Marketing report 2950 words, chose a product

Description o Student must choose an individual product or service Item (not a product line, a product variant or a company/brand) that was launched in 2021-2024 and undertake a critical analysis of the following:o Competitor analysis (10% weighing)o Consumer behaviour…


Description Marketing Plan Project; In Week 2, submit your Proposal of the business, product, or service you would like to start.Write no more than a one (1) page description of the business, product, or service. Include thefollowing information (20 points):…

Week 4.

Description Introduction Most leaders agree that the change process is easier when they receive buy-in from the employees. When employees understand the change, they often have less resistance and are more willing to assist the leader with the change efforts.…