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MKTG90026 Marketing Metrics

Description This is a group assignment. Our company is Woolworths. I am responsible for the introduction (150 words), Year-on-Year Growth Rate and CAGR (300 words) and Pricing (300 words). The following is the outline of our group? Introduction 150 10…

Marketing Question

Description Need help to complete an assignment for MBA program. You can find the full guidelines and assignment requirements in the attached file. Please read all guidelines and assignment requirements carefully. Some key points below. – Our school is very…

Team Marketing Project (PowerPoint)

Description You are the marketingdepartment for a new MLS team that will begin play in 2026. You have a little over 18 months toput together a marketing plan for this new team. Use the Las Vegas Market Must be in powerpoint…

Case Write-up IV

Description In this case, we are going to apply the BASES system, a simulated test market approach to decide whether we should launch the product or not. Please read the case and complete the following tasks:

Marketing Question

Description The Marketing Practicum Assignment is designed to provide value to the students assigned to the project and to make you think more deeply about the topics in the course. The good papers will go beyond the book and incorporate…

MAR 6055 Marketing Function/ Processes

Description Discussion topic Based on your idea/brand/product and backed by data/examples, explore: a. What makes it stand our from the competition (i.e., the ones that solve the same problem as you do)? b. What is the promise it makes to…

Discussion six response

Description Secondary Post Instructions For responses, consider your classmates initial posts and answer the following:Think of two major purchases that you have made over the past year or two. What are the motivational, learning, and attitudinal factors that played into…

Marketing Question

Description Setting Goals and Strategies  Creating an effective SMM plan involves setting goals and creating strategies. In other words, define what you want to achieve and how best to do it. Listening and observing are important antecedents of social media…

Short Critical Reflective Response #2

Description Reflect on your negotiation progress to date after five weeks of class.  What readings have been most influential or insightful to you so far and why? In the in-person negotiation exercises (University Pizza, Diego Primadonna, County Fairgrounds, and Chuck’s…