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journal #5

Description Journal details: This will be completed weekly and uploaded into your student folder. Throughout the semester, you will keep a journal in which you respond to all of the readings as well as prompts related to antiracism, social justice,…

Psychology Discussion

Description As we examine neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders, it is important to consider the various concepts we’ve learned throughout this course how they might interact to increase risk or vulnerability to these disorders. As you read through your Learning Resources,…

PZ003Research in Personality

Description For this Performance Task Assessment, you create a community-based, narrated PowerPoint presentation of approximately 12–14 slides in which you provide information, based on five current, peer-reviewed research study articles, related to the psychology of personality theory and that promote…

Psychology Question

Description write a two page double spaced 12 point times new Roman font paper thoughtfully answering What Would You Do? Question #6 found on page 125 of the text within Chapter 3 of the Reynolds text.

ORG 7343 Adv. Intervention Strat. in Wellness

Description Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review In Week 5, you developed a visual presentation of the comprehensive health and wellness program, which is Part 1 of your final assignments. For your final paper this week, you will…

Psychology Question

Description Select one stage of the family life cycle (e.g., emerging young adults, couple formation, families nearing the end of life). Consider how this stage would be similar and different for people with different cultural backgrounds and social locations (e.g.,…

Psychology Question

Description Carefully read the instructions on the pdf attached titled: “ARTICLE CRITIQUE INSTRUCTIONS” This article critique will be based upon the attached article ” GRATITUDE JOURNALING” Once you have completed your Article Critique, you will complete the attached “SELF-RATING RUBRIC”