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Economics Question

Description Objective The second part of your project is the full research paper, where you will implement your proposed empirical analysis, interpret the results, and discuss their significance. This paper will demonstrate your ability to apply econometric techniques to a…

Current Event Article

Description Current Events Article Please select an article on a current event happening about a macroeconomic topic for this assignment. (eg. TikTok trending, election, interest rate adjustment, international situation, etc). Here is some links that you may choose the article…

Article Response

Description These article responses are centered around market structures. The structure that companies find themselves in will largely determine how they can choose the price of their products and how much revenue they earn. Notice that you will be writing…

Economics Question

Description Promoting international trade is not a zero-sum game. It is a win-win proposition; both parties gain from trade. Consider the following: Tariffs are paid by the citizens of the country imposing tariffs, not by the citizens of the country producing…

Learning activities

Description 1) Instructions Fill out the Excel document by following the steps and submit it as an attachment. Additional Resources Please see the following additional resource to assist you: 2) Background Let’s practice Project Management using Excel to help us…

Economics Question

Description My topic is the Economics of Slot Allocation and Its Impact on Airline Competition. I am looking to focus on the economic implications of airport slot allocations, which dictate which airlines can operate at high-demand airports during peak times. This…