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Environmental Science Question

Description To prepare for your assignment, Try to find information as close to where you live as possible. If you cannot find information within a 50-mile radius of where you live, then try searching the closest large city, or within…

Discussion Week 4

Description Discussion: Using the U.S. Drought Monitor time series page, select a state with drought conditions that are getting worse over time. Describe the trend you are observing—what levels of drought are more occurrent and when (what seasons and/or years)? Use the U.S. Drought…

Plate Boundaries Concept Sketch

Description Instructions:Sketch, label and explain the following plate boundaries. Include an example on Earth ofeach (be sure to name both plates involved) on your concept sketch: Divergent Plate Boundary (oceanic divergent or Mid-ocean ridge) Convergent Plate Boundary: continental-oceanic. You will…

Environmental Science Question

Description For the outline you need a title (Not a title page) about one environmental issue, little introduction, sections of the paper (how the paper will be laid out) and a list of the references related to the paper (5 references,…

Slide show presentation

Description My topic is the wildfires in Australia Your assignment next week will to be complete a project on the topic you chose in module three. Make sure you received approval for your idea before you proceed to the research…

ENV Presentation

Description Create a powerpoint Presentation  A key goal is for the subject to be locally-focused and comparative.  You are to choose two localities, be it a community, city or county. One could be your home town, Las Vegas, and the…

Please give clear descriptions with supporting details

Description Objective: Students will research an environmental issue of their choice and create both a short presentation and a brochure. The goal is to educate others on the issue by addressing its causes, impacts, potential solutions, and recommendations for addressing…

MGT 440 The Dark Side of Leadership

Description Comparing and Contrasting Dark and Light Leaders [WLOs: 1, 3, 4] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] | Prepare Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review all previous chapters in your Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership: Casting Light or…