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Communications Question

Description Instructions For this assignment, you will need to develop a PowerPoint that breaks all the rules for creating and presenting a good presentation. In addition, you will need to submit an example of a bad PowerPoint.

Autonomy and Ethical Principles of Care

Description When examining the communication between a medical professional and a patient, it is important to see a real-world example of what that communication looks like. Please examine the example of a basic patient informed consent form for the common…

reading questions

Description This class session has inadvertently come to be as much about past child sex abuse panics as the contemporary panic about child sex trafficking with an even bigger political impact than the past panics as this story demonstrates The…

Communications Question

Description Instructions: Part 1: Phone Usage Documentation ○ Document clearly and precisely how you use your phone for 48 hours. This may be in a a table or itemised list. ○ You should include a minimum of 10 specific occurrences…

cultural informative speech

Description fill out this outline the way it is, then write a speech that is 4-6 minutes long and use the outline to structure the speech – INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE/STRUCTURE My specific speech purpose is: My Speech is a Description, Demonstration or…

write 250 words for 4 activities

Description activity 1: 250 word define, in your own words, “emotional contagion.” Next, share an example of a time when your emotion noticeably changed when you entered a situation with other people. How were you feeling before you entered this…

Personality types

Description Complete the personality test Download personality testof Appendix B of The Solution Path. Check out the power-point under Working with Individuals and Teams (see the module of this week) so you can understand your results. Everything is here! You must use…