Discussion This study sought to examine the relationship between racism and internalized shame among a sample of African Americans. The frequency of racist experiences predicted higher internalized shame scores supporting the first hypothesis that frequent experiences of racism will be positively associated with internalized shame. However, the correlation between the frequency of racist events and internalized shame was not strong. Theoretically, this is surprising as one may assume that frequent racist events may prompt greater experiences of shame. However, there may be several reasons for these findings. First, experiences of racism may promote both external shame and internal shame. Racism as an elicitor of shame highlights shame experiences that originate outside of the individual (i.e., external shame). External shame has been shown to promote psychological distress that stems from unmet needs for communal and favorable social spaces (Kim et al., 2011; Lewis, 1971). Thus, measuring internalized shame alone may not capture the complete impact of racism on shame experiences among African Americans. Second, the internalized shame scale may not fully encompass the extent to which African Americans experience internalized shame regarding race and racism. For example, the ISS does not assess shame responses to experiences of racism, hairstyle and/or texture, or negative images of African Americans. To date, no such measurement exists potentially warranting the development of a culturally appropriate instrument to better assess this relationship. Third, other variables such as racial identity and racial pride, not assessed in this study, could buffer the negative impact of racism on internalized shame.

Self-esteem was negatively associated with internalized shame as predicted by the second study hypothesis. This is consistent with studies highlighting the relationship…

Homework 6

Description The topic of this Homework is food inequality. View the video, Food for All, to gain a better understanding of the global…